• What is solar battery storage and what are the benefits?

    Solar battery storage is the process of storing energy generated by solar panels in batteries for later use. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years as more people seek to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and decrease their carbon footprint.

Friday, 14th July 2023

Solar battery storage is the process of storing energy generated by solar panels in batteries for later use.


 This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years as more people seek to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and decrease their carbon footprint.


By using solar battery storage, households and businesses can store excess solar energy generated during the day and use it when needed, such as during the night or on cloudy days.

This not only saves money on energy bills but also helps to reduce strain on the electricity grid.





Additionally, with advances in battery technology, solar battery storage systems are becoming more efficient and affordable, making them a viable option for more people around the world.


If you have a solar PV system and are not at home during the day to use the energy produced by the panels, then a battery will help you use that energy later on, cutting your electricity bills.


When the sun is shining during the daytime, you can meet your consumption needs by using your household appliances. 


Without a battery storage system, when night time comes, and your solar panels have clocked off for the day, you will return to being dependent on energy suppliers for all of your needs.


Batteries solve this issue by storing excess energy for use when your panels cannot generate any green energy.



Fox Battery Storage



Battery Benefits


  • Optimization of self-generated energy


Having only solar panels, the energy source is dependent on the time of day. With battery storage added, you can store additional energy which has been generated and become more energy independent


  • Save on your energy bills

A standard solar PV system will help you cut down energy consumption during the day. However, it is during the evening when solar battery storage can discharge the stored electricity from your battery system, providing you with renewable-generated electricity at no additional cost.


  • Be more energy independent

Purchasing a solar battery will be a significant step toward off-grid self-sufficiency as you are keeping your costs to the energy suppliers and the grid operator lower.


Fox Energy group is a UK-based company that provides renewable energy solutions for both residential and commercial customers.


One of the key features of Fox Ess solar batteries is their compact size. These batteries are designed to be space-efficient, making them a good option for homeowners who have limited space for a solar battery system. Fox Ess solar batteries are also lightweight, making them easier to install and transport.


RJW Electrical Services Ltd


These batteries are able to store a large amount of energy in a small space, and they are designed to last for up to 15 years with proper maintenance.

In addition, you can monitor your energy usage using the FoxCloud app.



Fox Ess



FoxCloud is a client monitoring software for photovoltaic power plants. It can interact with power plants remotely and wirelessly to obtain operating parameters such as power generation capacity, power generation revenue, equipment status, and equipment information.


In Conclusion...

Whilst a stand-alone PV solar panel system can be very beneficial and save you money, adding a solar battery system can accelerate your savings and put you on the path to complete energy independence.


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